CCCC Video Archive
20th Anniversary
CCCC Foundation
Donation Form
CCCC Foundation
CCCC Foundation
The Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture (CCCC) is a non-profit organization registered in Massachusetts in 1990. The mission of CCCC is to advocate Chinese
culture, promote culture exchange, and foster mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and American people. Cambridge Chinese School, the
education branch of CCCC, is the first school on the east coast for teaching simplified Chinese with standard pronunciation and has evolved from a class
of only seven students to an extended educational institution of more than one thousand students.
The establishment of CCCC Foundation aims to enhance students' learning and teachers' teaching activities, to sustain the growth and improvement of programs
and facilities, and to cultivate the sense of community, and to support cultural exchanges activities.
Please support CCCC by making donations to CCCC Foundation today. Any amount of donation could make true differences to the CCCC community,
because a donation of $20 could replace a broken chair, a donation of $200 could buy a projector for a classroom, and a donation of $2000 might fund a
small renovation project.
Your donation is tax deductible. To appreciate your generosity, we will mention your name or your organization in our NewsLetter, CCCC events, and on the
CCCC website. A thanks letter will be mailed to you after receiving your donation, which serves as the proof for tax purpose as well.
We promise to provide excellent stewardships for all the donations. You could specify the use of your donation on your check or write on the
online payment form. The possible uses of your donation are (subject to change):
- Chinese School
- Little Wagon Early Education Center
- Senior Station
- Clubs (Ping Pong, Ballroom dancing, & Karaoke, etc.)
- CCCC 20-year anniversary activities
- Others
Donation by check:
Please make check payable to: CCCC Foundation
and mail it together with the Donation Form to:
CCCC Foundation
C/O Cambridge Center For Chinese Culture
345 Trapelo Road
Belmont, MA 02478
可用我们寄发的带有剑桥中国文化中心免税号码 (Tax ID Number)的感谢信作为报税之凭据。
捐款支票抬头请写: CCCC Foundation
CCCC Foundation C/O Cambridge Center For Chinese Culture
345 Trapelo Road
Belmont, MA 02478