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LittleWagon Preschool
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Senior Station

The Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture (CCCC) is a non-profit organization which aims to promote Chinese culture, advance the status of Chinese-Americans, and promote US-China relationship through Chinese language education, publication, and cultural exchange. It provides various programs to the greater Boston area, including Chinese-English preschool, Chinese after-school,Weekend school, and Summer school.

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What's New at CCCC
剑桥中文学校2024年新学年将于2024年9月8日开学. 请点击此处阅读详情.
2024-2025学年新课介绍. 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中文学校2024-2025学年招生开始了! 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中文学校庆祝2023-2024学年结束欢聚通知. 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中文学校 2024 年暑期班开始开放注册了!一个独具特色富有知识性趣味性的中英文双语暑期学校. 请点击此处阅读详情.
龙腾虎跃再聚首,载歌载舞庆新年 - 波士顿2024剑桥春晚记实. 请点击此处阅读详情.
《剑桥中文学校精彩讲座》通知 - 如何将孩子培养成终身学习者:学习中文的误区和有效方法. 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中国文化中心纪虎民董事长2024新年致辞. 请点击此处阅读详情.
好消息,剑桥中文学校春季新学期又添三门新课. 请点击此处阅读详情.
2024剑桥中国文化中心龙年春晚来了. 请点击此处阅读详情.
热闹非凡,异彩纷呈-夕阳红活动站新年文艺汇演记实. 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中国文化中心暨剑桥中文学校2024年龙年春节联欢会通知. 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中国文化中心剑桥中文学校祝全体师生员工家长义工感恩节快乐! 请点击此处阅读详情.
剑桥中文学校开新课"Arts and Crafts for Holidays"通知. 请点击此处阅读详情.

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Course Schedule

Census 2020 - Shape your future

April 1, 2020 is Census Day, the day that determines who is counted in the 2020 Census and where they are counted. Please click here to view details.

Why Your Answers Matter: 1. Importance of the Data. 2. Impact in Your Community.

You can complete your questionnaire online, by phone, or by mail.

Principal Mailbox:
CCCC Director Mailbox: ccccdirector@bostoncccc.org

Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture
P. O. Box 380204
Cambridge, MA 02238
剑桥中文学校周末班校址: 45 Matignon Rd, Cambridge, MA 02140
Copyright© 2000 - 2024 Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture